We’re only 1 day away from Dreamstate Socal 2019!! We have meet-ups and group photos planned for both days! So make sure you save this info so that you can be a part of it!

For both days, we will start our meet-up at 8:00pm in the grassy area, next to the pond, right outside of the Vision’s exit doors. Look for all the totems in the picture above. The group photo will be promptly taken at 8:20pm!! Don’t be late to the photo!!
On Friday, we would love to see a whole mob of onesies!! Wear your favorite onesie and then take a selfie with a stranger! Meet someone new and take a pic! Then share the pic with us on our Facebook group on our weekly Tuesday photo challenge!
On Saturday, it’s all about Unicorns and Rainbows! Get creative with your outfits! This will also be our Kandi exchange day – so have all your trading Kandi ready! Darren and I will be giving out of Nerdy Panda necklaces. So if you want one, you better find us quickly at the Saturday meet-up!

A big shoutout and THANK YOU to all of our sister groups who have helped organize this meetup!
0 Ft Away: https://www.facebook.com/groups/0feetaway/
Circuit Royals: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CircuitRoyals/
#RaveBunnies: https://www.facebook.com/groups/737857146418025/
EDC Gaysians: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1880221512222716/
Anjunafamily LA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/590717381264092/
Banana Bunch
LA Pusheens
The Navi Orb
Rainbow Beaker
The Gay Rave and Circuit Almanac: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gayalmanac