Whether you’re going to a nighttime festival or to a circuit party, it’s always fun to have a few glow/light up accessories to stand out from the crowd. Here are just a few items available for Emazing Lights, an awesome source for all your glow needs. (Make sure to use coupon code “ALMANAC” for 10% off your purchase!)
LED Orbits
Orbits are a small LED object tied to the end of a string that you manipulate and swing around your body to create light patterns and light trails. Check out the videos below for some cool demonstrations! The object itself is round and is rotated once you pull on the strings. And then as it is spinning, you swing the string/orbit around your body to create the patterns!
Orbit X3
The Orbite X3 is cool because it consists of 4 different programmable micro lights, so when you move them quickly, it creates stunning light trails. Once you learn how to do it, you can make patterns that look like flowers, stars, and springs, like in this picture:

ZERO Orbit
And the ZERO Orbit is another great option, with multi-directional lights for even better light trails, and a very smooth, spinning orbit.

Flow/Levitation Wands
Flow Wands or Levitation Wands are another fun way to create light patterns and trails. The wand itself lights up with many different colors and patterns, so when you move the wand around, it will create spectacular patterns. The wand is connected a string that you manipulate with your hand. When you’re moving it around, you create the illusion that the wand is levitating by itself as you can see in the video below.
eLite Flow Levitation Wand
The eLite Flow Levitation Wand features 16 different color patterns and can display up to 3 colors at once. The wand is perfectly balanced and weighted so that it “stands upright” in the air. I actually bought one for myself to try and I picked it up rather quickly. I was able to learn how to do it by just watching a few YouTube tutorials. Of course, in order to look GREAT at it, it’s going to take some more practice! But I’m definitely bringing it to Dreamstate to show off!

LED Gloves
I think LED Gloves are so cool! I’ve been lucky enough to get a light show from several Glovers at different festivals and raves and they’re truly mesmerizing. The way they can move their fingers to match and enhance the music is just awesome!
SPECTRA Evolution Bluetooth Glove Set (Pre-Order)
Emazing Lights is really going all out for all the advanced glovers out there. It’s going to feature an app where you can program each light in your glove. You can choose from the rainbow of colors and also program their patterns. This is going to give you SO many options!
Chroma Evolution Glove Set
Or if you just want a more simple pair of LED gloves, you can choose the Chroma Evolution Glove set, which still has awesome features like the color randomizer or choose from 16 patterns and 40 colors.

Fiber Optic Whips
And finally, one of the coolest things you can bring to a rave is a fiber optic whip! They just look super cool when you wrap it around your body and the lights are changing. I’ve had a few people perform with their whips and it’s very magical and majestic! Check out the video here:
FiberFlies Pixel Whip
The FiberFlies Pixel Whip has 40 different colors and has a smooth swivel, which means that you can twirl it around your body easily and smoothly. And it’s rechargeable by USB – so you don’t have to worry about buying and replacing batteries!